Spectral Rogue

Is a short rogue lite, where you have to crawl through a dungeon and gain money to buy more and more items. 

The gameplay loop is : Shop, then level choice and fight. 


WASD : Move (in the fight scene)

Left click : Move (in the level choice scene), use primary ability

Right click : Use secondary ability 

In the shop, you can buy abilities, and remove them by holding right click on the ability in your inventory. You can have 4 abilities through one run, but only 2 can be used in a fight scene. 

If you want to change your primary or secondary ability, drag and drop in the position you want in the level choice scene. 


Alexandre Viala (le plus beau) : UI Programming 

Thalia Meignan : Programming and musics

Pierre Giraud : Programming 

Gaêlle Thibaudat : Sprites

The limitation was "Death is not the end", we managed to use this limitation by giving second chances to the player : when you die, you still have your items and money so you can buy upgrades and try again !

The game doesn't have an end so feel free to explore ! 

We also used this https://0x72.itch.io/16x16-dungeon-tileset for the environment and this https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/icons/modern-simple-skill-icon-set-... for the skill icons.


Windows.zip 35 MB


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I liked your game, I just thought the shots were taking a long time to load